Cranberry Country Weavers Membership Form
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________
Membership Type:
______ $30.00 -Regular 1 year Membership
PaymentChecks should be made out to
“Cranberry Country Weavers”
and mailed to:
Cranberry Country Weavers
c/o Jan Lyons
We are asking every member to answer the follow page of Questions.
By answering the following membership questions, it will help the Committee Chairs to plan and to understand our guild members. We hope that with this information we can bring a good variety of programs and knowledge to our members, whether beginner or advanced weavers. All are welcome here.
What type of loom do you have?
Floor loom________ #shafts________ Rigid Heddle loom________ Tapestry loom________
Would you be willing to help your guild in any of the following ways?
Bring a dessert for a meeting? Yes_____ No_____
Be a greeter at the monthly meetings to welcome first time visitors or new members and introduce them to other members? Yes______ No______
Work a shift for our Guild’s Volunteer hours quota at the NEWS Conference, usually held in July? Yes______ No______
Serve on a committee? Yes______ No______
Share and demonstrate a weaving technique at a meeting such as hemstitching, tubular edge, perfect selvedges tricks, 2 stick heading, fixing broken warp threads, or basic tips and tricks)?
(Sorry, no $ compensation.) Yes______ No______
Do you have access to a computer? Yes______ No______
Do you have or use a weaving program? Yes______ No______
If so, which one?________________________________________________________________
Do you have a weaving specialty in any particular weave structure? Yes______ No______
Which Structure?________________ (example: overshot, huck, summer and winter, etc.)
If Yes, would you be willing to give a program to guild members? Yes______ No______
House a speaker over night or a weekend? Yes______ No______
(Sorry, no $ compensation.)